Pokemon Go is kicking off its new Season of Discovery with a Slowpoke-themed event called A Very Slow Discovery. The event is now live until June 13, and it introduces the Galarian variants of Slowpoke and Slowbro to the mobile game, as well as standard Slowbro’s Mega-Evolved form.
The event marks the first chance you’ll be able to encounter and catch Galarian Slowpoke in Pokemon Go. Unlike standard Slowpoke, this form is a pure Psychic type, and to evolve it into Galarian Slowbro, you’ll need to catch 30 Poison Pokemon while it’s set as your Buddy. The following Pokemon will also be appearing in the wild more frequently during the event:
- Slowpoke
- Slowbro
- Slakoth
- Vigoroth
- Gulpin
- Spoink
In addition to the wild Pokemon …